The popular series by the Gries Deco Company is also present at Mainteam.
"The package design for "ipuro". The visually and haptically appealing packaging makes the flair of the fragrances tangible even before opening. In this way, they contribute significantly to the sales success of the series, because: The eye can also smell."
Mainteam supports the ipuro series with creative design, product photography and image editing. Not to be underestimated is the classic final artwork of the safety labelling and the hazard warnings. Explicit regulations apply, especially with regard to product labels, in order to be allowed to place them in the wholesale and retail trade. With professional know-how, we check and correct the data provided.
To ensure that even the most demanding packaging is practicable and that the packaging design fits down to the millimetre, we produce
colour-binding prototypes in small runs. Only with perfect sampling
our customer has an effective decision-making aid. They are used for production approval and as hand samples for the producer of the
large run.