For a self-evident coexistence in a visually influenced society, a reduction of barriers is indispensable. One of the largest producers of media
for people with visual impairments in the German-speaking regions distributes tactile learning aids and information carriers under this demand. Equally attractive for people with and without disabilities, these appeal to different senses and thus facilitate the equal-opportunity transfer of knowledge.
In accordance with the requirements of the competence centre of this manufacturer from Marburg, we further developed our know-how in file creation and our printing processes to unimagined "heights": A multiple, up to 2 mm high colour application in UV-curing digital printing enables the tactile representation of different height levels and structures. The special challenge was the standard-compliant shaping of the Braille or prismatic lettering supplemented with high-contrast black lettering and perfectly differentiating colours.
The transfer of visual representations into haptic structures is pedagogically valuable: visually impaired people are fascinated by everyday experiences and learn through different sensory channels. Moreover, this production by means of digital printing is also economically feasible for small editions or individual pieces.